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How to Understand Soccer Positions | Soccer Skills

+-How to Understand Soccer Positions

as we know soccer is all about positions strategy and tactics and the people want to talk about the various positions, you can have or you can choose when you play the game of soccer and we're basically if the goalkeeper we have two . 

defenders with the midfielders and we have to strike us the goalkeeper of course is : the first responsibility is to make sure that the strikers won't get the ball ehind the goal line and actually sport on a, second thought the goalkeeper would be the first player to initiate the game to start the game from the bag out of the defense the next line is the line of defenders again even more the responsibility of the defenders would be  to mark up the strikers close gaps and  defense and prevent the opposition from go spoiling.

 the next line would be the midfielders the midfielders are the ones  who organized, the game they have defense responsibilities , but also offense responsibilities and they organize the game they make sure that they close the gap and , the friends turn around quickly open the game to the front to the strikers get to the strikers and goalscoring positions and move up themselves and maybe even choose to, finish themselves and try to score the last one the most upfront on the field would be.

 the strikers or the forwards of course the idea is to get the ball as quickly as possible, into the goal into the net of the opposition as a defender you have the whole.

 game in front of you you have more time usually to open the game you have more time when you're in possession , at the ball you want to open it mindfully to the side not for the center.

 the midfielders are always moving always trying to open up giving opportunities , passing options as well to strikers and defenders .

 the strikers on the other hand usually have the defender in the back ,what is the different kind of play they want to drop the ball maybe to the midfielder to open up the game on the side but then quickly move into goal scoring position themselves and finish that's the basic idea of soccer positions and I think that's a good way to start.
