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Handball Rules and Gameplay

+-Handball Rules and Gameplay

 this animation is going to help teach you guys the rules and the gameplay of handball in physical wellness each team .

is going to have six players on the court one of those players is going to be the goalie for each team to start . 

you'll always do rock-paper-scissors to see which team is going to start with the ball the team that wins  .

rock-paper-scissors gets to start with the ball to begin,  the game the team that has the ball must throw it to one of their teammates , the second that that pass happens the game begins and both teams are allowed to cross the center line much like .

the game of soccer the objective of the game is to pass the ball back and forth with your teammates , and throw the ball into the defending team's goal if you are the person that has the handball you are only allowed .

three steps three dribbles or a combination of three steps and three dribbles just like in the game of basketball though you can't double .

dribble it so if you put the ball on the ground for two dribbles and you pick it  up you are not allowed to dribble again ,  you can use your three steps after you dribble the ball but you can't put the ball back down for the third dribble ince you already stopped now on defense the team without .

the ball is playing defense on defense your team : is allowed to intercept a pass knock a

pass down or guard a player to prevent them from catching the ball defense cannot steal the ball out of a player's hands and they're not allowed to make physical contact with another person in front of the goal there is a mark semicircle that area is actually called .
